Answer a series of questions and at the end you can print out both sides on one page. You cut it out and fold the two sides together.
The problem is the print out is about half a page rather than 3.5 x 2.5 card size. (At least on my printer.)
There is a work around if your printer allows you to "print" to a file and you have some image manipulation software like Photoshop or Fireworks. After you click print on the card screen, click OK on the next screen and that might take you to the regular command page for your printer. There might be an option to save as a PDF Postscript file. (You won't be able to edit a regular PDF file.) If so, then you can import it, shrink it (make it 3.5 x 5 since it's both sides of the card), add a picture and print :-)
(There are several more games and activities at Read Write Think, some a bit schooly.)
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