Thursday, May 23, 2013


What it looks like when ferrets decide to move
Sorry for the delay in saying there will be a delay in posts! We've been moving which has involved sifting through 30 years of accumulated accumulation. Meanwhile, most of my writing has been directed at eBay descriptions.

The move is 99% done though free time hasn't returned yet. The last 1% of the move will be finished off by my husband while I accompany Sandra Dodd to speak about unschooling in London, Leiden and Lisbon for the next 2 months. We'll be staying with families, talking a bit, poking around a lot. Should be fun!

There's a post scheduled for the first Wednesday in August. I do hope some of the travel will inspire writing prompts. :-) If not, I've been reading and will be conveniently taking more via the Kindle app on my tablet a virtual donkey load of writing books. I'd love to do a pre-NaNo prep series of posts on creating a plan. (Oh, my goodness, NaNo with a plan!)

And I sincerely apologize for the Pinterest posts. Most of the images have disappeared. Pinterest changed how images get reposted. There's now a widget with Pinterest clutter around the picture. And Pinterest seem to be able to deny access to the images that were posted the old way. How very disappointing. (I just checked the Pinterest widget again, and the looks seem improved so won't be quite so obnoxious to use as I feared. Did Pinterest change them back to cluttered or was I just being generous when I checked the second time??)