Not a problem. I just have to compile the ones I like and generate more until I have a full set. Except at TV Tropes, once you dip in you can get lost for hours!
But one page I landed on seemed especially fertile for story ideas. Here's an attempt at compiling every transformation idea ever used more than once. So take one and come up with a fresh approach.
The Shape Shifting page linked also has a long list of shape shifting tropes (which are different from transformation tropes!) And each of the links below goes to a page with an longer explanation and loads of examples from literature to video games to music. But, trust me, just use the short explanations listed here. TV Tropes has got to be one of the biggest black holes on the internet. You really don't want to go to there unless you've got hours to spend.
Tropes related to transformations as an event:
- Baleful Polymorph - Transformation used as a weapon or punishment, to disable or dispose of an individual.
- Becoming The Costume - Particularly popular around Halloween, a curse that transforms the individual into whatever their costume resembles.
- Becoming The Genie - My third wish, make me an all-powerful genie! (Wait a second...)
- Emergency Transformation - If the only way to save your dying body is to have it transformed into something else. Whether or not you'd be better off dead is up to you.
- Fountain Of Youth
- Fisher Kingdom - A world or setting that transforms your mind, mood, and/or physical form to match its expectations or requirements.
- Freaky Friday Flip - Switching bodies with another person...
- Voices Are Mental - ...but not switching voices.
- Voices Are Mental - ...but not switching voices.
- Gender Bender - Being transformed into a member of the opposite sex.
- Attractive Bent Gender - People start asking your new self out on dates.
- First Law Of Gender Bending — It's easier to change into a female than it is to change back.
- Second Law Of Gender Bending — Your new gender is always more enjoyable than your old one.
- Third Law Of Gender Bending — And it comes with cool new clothes!
- Second Law Of Gender Bending — Your new gender is always more enjoyable than your old one.
- Man I Feel Like A Woman — Hey, free boobs!
- Attractive Bent Gender - People start asking your new self out on dates.
- Humanity Ensues - An animal (or non-human) is transformed into a human. They usually aren't happy about the change...
- Pinocchio Syndrome - ...unless they already wanted to become human.
- Sense Freak - If they go wild over senses that we humans take for granted.
- Pinocchio Syndrome - ...unless they already wanted to become human.
- Incredible Shrinking Man
- Karmic Transformation - Getting transformed into something you despise or that is otherwise ironic; often caused by Laser Guided Karma.
- Metamorphosis - A permanent, one-time transformation that occurs over the long term, and you may know about it well in advance.
- The Mind Is A Plaything Of The Body - Your thoughts and instincts transform to match whatever new form you have.
- Mutagenic Goo- Gooey Applied Phlebotinum that can mutate and transform living beings into monsters.
- Narrative Shapeshifting - A silent character recounts a story by playing shapeshifting charades.
- Not Quite Back To Normal - When a transformation leaves residual effects on the individual even after being transformed back.
- Scaled Up - Is turning yourself into a giant snake ever a good idea?
- Transformation Comic
- Transformation Ray
- Viral Transformation - Spreading a transformation from one person to another
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