
Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Whitewashing villains, part 4

More Whitewashed villains. :-)

A young boy whose whole family was killed by a money-hungry assassin now has the heavy responsibility of running the family business. The one thing he wants the most in the world is for the assassin of his parents to face some poetic justice! Jasper Batt Jr, No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle. -- Arachinos
✴️ A pair of enterprising inventors (with great singing skills) attempt to solve a crippling cider shortage problem with the use of their revolutionary machine. Opportunity in this very community! Flim and Flam, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic -- Arachinos
✴️ In a country where oppressive order reigns supreme, this fun-loving goofball was subjected to a Fate Worse than Death by a pair of oppressive monarchs for attempting to add a little spice to the world. Discord, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic -- Arachinos
Suffering from a debilitating illness that confines her to a bed, this girl would do anything for playmates and a normal life. Ellen, The Witch's House -- Arachinos
✴️ An obedient child who is proud of his heritage and just wants to make his selfish father proud of him. Pride from Fullmetal Alchemist. -- A Xavier B
All she wants is to be reunited with her brother. v-13 from BlazBlue. -- Arutema
A guardian who, after being abandoned by his parents, made a vow to protect everybody from going through what he had to suffer. Rey from Mega Man Starforce. -- Bass Blues
All he wanted was to finally have friends after years of being alone. Coyote Starrk, Bleach -- BDK
A brilliant scientist and surgeon who worked to create a world of perfection and equality, only to be exiled by opportunist reactionaries and betrayed by the love of his life. After spending nine millennia sealed in a forsaken dimension, he carried out his more than just revenge, trying at the same time to improve the planet that saw him as a monster. Even this time, he was stopped by a selfish, arrogant eugenicist and its ragtag crew. Yawgmoth from Magic: The Gathering. -- Belfagor

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