
Thursday, May 10, 2007

Visual poetry

The bit of code at Visual Poetry translates sentences into visual images. It searches for each word and returns an image from Google.

Type in a sentence or a bit of poetry into the prompt box and click Go.

Use the images it returns as a writing prompt. Some sentences work better than others so play around with it a bit. (There are some sentence on the page that people tried -- though the images you'll get will be different than what they got. I didn't see any non-PG-13 photos come up but there as a statue. It was art! but no guarantee that there's a filter on what it returns.)

No need to tie your initial sentence into the story, just as many of the images as you can.

(You can also do a similar thing with Flickr by typing in a word or three into the search box at Flickr Search.)

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