
Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Good writing combines ideas in novel ways. Try using the following combinations in sentences that give insight into why the odd combinations fittingly describe what's going on.
  • festive tyrant
  • fabulous poverty
  • thoughtful depression
  • blissful zombie
  • tasty plague
  • beautiful monster
  • fabulous crisis
  • putrid wealth
  • foul loyalty
  • impoverished beauty
  • shameful miracle
  • miserable courage
  • tyranical perfection
  • depressing optimism
These were generated at WritingFix's Serendipitous Oxymoron Creator.

1 comment:

  1. festive tyrant

    Golrath was a  festive tyrant for he could not imagine a sight more enjoyable than watching the brightly costumed condemned parade past him.

    fabulous poverty

    Finia and Joren lived happily ever after in fabulous poverty, free from the chains of ownership.

    thoughtful depression

    Borelle poised at the precipice of a thoughtful depression, realizing her own choices had brought her to this path and that only her own choices could lead her away.

    blissful zombie

    Now freed from the pain of its horrible injuries sustained in the accident with the thresher, the blissful zombie shuffled towards the village.

    tasty plague

    Among the Fleen tribe of rats word spread as quickly as the disease that the village had been visitied by a tasty plague.

    Which is as far as I got in 15 minutes!
